Just to avoid confusing and to remind the rules about evaluation section:
1. Evaluation thread is related to tsd forum, not for advertisement and not for selling any products.
2. No any link or email address of the vendor should be placed on evaluation thread. All the discussion/talking etc should be inside tsd evaluation thread.
3. It is responsibility of the vendor to provide all necessary information for tsd members to be ready to evaluate the product such as trial version to try and other information.
4. The vendor is accepted to sell his product in normal commercial thread based on positive comments on evaluation thread.
If the vendor do not agree personally about anything concerning to his recent/future commercial activity on TSD related to moderators and forum admins - he can ask/post an opinion etc using those 2 threads:
- this one
- this thread.
Please remember - the members can critisize moderators/admins of the forum without being affraid to be banned for that (it is my personal rul as moderator of the forum).