пятница, 16 июля 2010 г.
четверг, 1 июля 2010 г.
Just some strange cases I am having sometimes
Just some strange cases I am having all the time.
There are some people which are spreaded their aggression internationally telling that "it is our national mentality". They can not do it inside their countries. They prefer to do it internationally enjoying the situation and telling that "it is our national menality" (it is not national mentality. It is criminalized mentality :) ).
But when I catch them for their inadequate international actions so they can easy tell that it is because I am not a reprecentative of their nationality having different mentality.
Just a strange people ..
I think - it should be more and more websites explaining the people the differences between criminalized mentality and their nationality and their great culture, about what the international music is, about their own country ...