понедельник, 19 сентября 2011 г.

среда, 14 сентября 2011 г.

Haiku is a kind of Japanese poetry

Haiku is a kind of Japanese poetry. It was given this name in the late 19th century by Japanese writer Masaoka Shiki from a combination of the older hokku and the haikai (or verses) in haikai no renga. Haiku, when known as hokku were the opening verses of a linked verse form, haikai no renga. In Japanese, hokku and haiku are traditionally printed in one vertical line (though in handwritten form they may be in any reasonable number of lines). In English, haiku are written in three lines to equate to the three parts of a haiku in Japanese that traditionally consist of five, seven, and then five on (the Japanese count sounds, not syllables; for example, the word "haiku" itself counts as three sounds in Japanese (ha-i-ku), but two syllables in English (hai-ku), and writing seventeen syllables in English produces a poem that is actually quite a bit longer,  with more content, than a haiku in Japanese).http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiku 

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вторник, 13 сентября 2011 г.

Voice from behind

Some people understand this joke story as some kind of "usual collaboration" between the people and the government ("voice from behind" is the government, "I" is the nation/people living in the country ... But it was the real story so this is just an allegory only sorry.

Please don't understand it as guide to the action :)

I go for a walk. There is small computer shop on the right side. I am turning to the right.
Voice from behind: "Don't turn right!".
I am thinking: "That's funny. I spent 20 hours near computer working today ... yes, i am really tired ... i definitely need to sleep". I am turning right.
Voice from behind me: "Don't turn right!".
I stopped.
I am thinking: "it should be policeman. Otherwise why should I be stopped? ".
I want to turn round to see this guy.
Voice from behind me: "Don't turn round! Dont turn right! Don't stop!"
I asked: "So what to do?"
Voice from behind: "Go straight!".

And what do you think I did? Yes, I turned right! I just rounded the house and came to my 'right' street from the other side. And what I saw? There are many people on very small street. All of them turned right! ALL! It was some road accident and street is very small. And that guy/voice was a policeman. All the people turned right during the half a day to see "why"!

Posted via email from newdigital's posterous

суббота, 10 сентября 2011 г.

После 50-ти ...

После 50 лет обмен веществ замедляется, мозги усыхают, извилины распрямояются. И уже все равно - что носить, что говорить, что о тебе подумают и скажут. Проверено на себе :)



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